European Cyclists' Organizations - EuroVelo

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Εικόνα SpyrosV

ECF - European Cyclists' Federation

European Cycling Lexicon (23 languages)
With this innovation – the first European Cycling Lexicon that contains key terms of cycling, cycling infrastructure and different types of cycles for different transport needs in all 23 official languages of the EU – the EESC wants to
• help European citizens when cycling abroad to communicate in bicycle shops, travel agencies, the railway station and hotels
• raise awareness about infrastructure that facilitates cycling in order to inspire politicians, planners and peoples’ organisations (and here I especially thank our translators, who had to cover new linguistic territory in those cases where the concepts in question did not exist yet in their language)
• raise awareness about the many forms of human powered vehicles that meet many different mobility needs in a sustainable manner and
• make the point that cycling policy is not only a local but also a European issue.


EuroVelo - The European Cycle Route Network

EuroVelo is a project of the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) to develop a network of high-quality cycling routes linking all countries in Europe. It can be used by long-distance cycle tourists, as well as by local people making daily journeys.

• promotes economically, environmentally and socially sustainable travel
• improves the quality of EuroVelo routes in all participating European countries
• promotes the uniform signing of EuroVelo routes in accordance with published standards
• provides Europe-wide information on EuroVelo routes and national cycle routes
• supports the development of national coordination centres for EuroVelo routes and national routes
• fosters exchange of experience and best practice between European states and regions, stimulating high quality cycle strategies and infrastructure.

• is a network of European long-distance cycle routes
• currently comprises 12 routes
• is a project of the ECF in cooperation with the national EuroVelo coordination centres.


Η αξιολόγηση σας: Κανένα
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Εικόνα xrispa

Ευρωπαϊκό Λεξικό Ποδηλάτου
Με αυτή την καινοτομία – το πρώτο ευρωπαϊκό λεξικό ποδηλάτου, που περιέχει λέξεις κλειδιά για την ποδηλασία, την ποδηλατική δομή και τους διαφορετικού τύπους ποδηλάτων για διαφορετικούς τύπους μετακίνσης, σε 27 γλώσσες, συμπεριλαμβανομένων και των 23 επίσημων γλωσσών της Ε.Ε. – η EESC θέλει να
• βοηθήσει τους Ευρωπαίους πολίτες και Ευρωπαίους επισκέπτες που ταξιδεύουν στο εξωτερικό να επικοινωνήσουν σε καταστήματα ποδηλάτων, ταξιδιωτικά γραφεία και ξενοδοχεία
• ενημερώσει σχετικά με τις δομές εκείνες που ευνοούν την ποδηλασία, προκειμένου να εμπνεύσει του πολιτικούς, τους πολεοδόμους αλλά και τις τοπικές οργανώσεις
• πληροφορήσει σχετικά με τις πολλαπλές μορφές μετακίνησης αποκλειστικά μέσω της ανθρώπινης δύναμης
• υπογραμμίσει ότι η ποδηλατική πολιτική δεν αποτελεί μόνο τοπικό ζήτημα, αλλά Ευρωπαϊκό θέμα

European Cycling Lexicon
With this innovation – the first European Cycling Lexicon that contains key
terms of cycling, cycling infrastructure and different types of cycles for different
transport needs in 27 languages, including all 23 official languages of the EU
– the EESC wants to
• help European citizens and visitors of Europe cycling abroad to
communicate in bicycle shops, travel agencies, railway stations and hotels
• raise awareness about infrastructure that facilitates cycling in order to
inspire politicians, planners and peoples’ organizations (and here I especially
thank our translators, who had to cover new linguistic territory in those
cases where the concepts in question did not exist yet in their language)
• raise awareness about the many forms of human powered vehicles that
meet many different mobility needs in a sustainable manner and
• make the point that cycling policy is not only a local but also a European