Γεια χαρά σε όλους ,
Λυπάμαι που δεν μιλάω ελληνικά . Αυτή η ελληνική έκδοση δημιουργήθηκε χρησιμοποιώντας το Google Translate . :-) Η αγγλική έκδοση είναι κάτω .
Τον Σεπτέμβρη του 2014 θα πρέπει να φύγετε από την εργασία μου των 16 ετών και ο κύκλος από την Ολλανδία όπου ζω , στην Αυστραλία , όπου γεννήθηκα . Το ταξίδι θα διαρκέσει 2 χρόνια , και θα διέρχεται από την Ελλάδα. Ποτέ δεν έχω εναλλάσσονται στην Ελλάδα πριν , και θα ήθελα να προγραμματίσω μία όμορφη διαδρομή μέσω της χώρας σας .
Παγκόσμια διαδρομή μου είναι εδώ : http://arctic-cycler.com/world-cycle-2014/">http://arctic-cycler.com/world-cycle-2014/
Θα πρέπει να εισέρχονται στην Ελλάδα από τη Μακεδονία . Διαδρομή μου υπάρχει εδώ : http://arctic-cycler.com/world-cycle-2014/world-cycle-2014-macedonia/
Το σχέδιό μου είναι να τον κύκλο κατά μήκος της βόρειας ακτής μέσω ελληνική Θεσσαλονίκης , Αλεξανδρούπολη , και στη συνέχεια στην Κωνσταντινούπολη . Μέσα στις επόμενες μέρες θα βάλει μαζί ένα λεπτομερές σχέδιο ( με gpx ) της διαδρομής μου στην Ελλάδα . Οποιεσδήποτε συμβουλές και μονοπάτια gpx θα ήταν πολύ ευπρόσδεκτη ! :-)
Ευχαριστώ πολύ για τη βοήθειά σας !
Hi all,
I'm sorry that I don't speak greek. This greek version was created using google translate. :-) The english version is below.
In September 2014 I will be leaving my job of 16 years and cycle from Holland where I live, to Australia, where I was born. The trip will take 2 years, and I will be passing through Greece. I have never cycled in Greece before, and would like to plan a nice route through your country.
My global route is here: http://arctic-cycler.com/world-cycle-2014/
I will be entering Greece from Macedonia. My route there is here: http://arctic-cycler.com/world-cycle-2014/world-cycle-2014-macedonia/
My plan is to cycle along the northern Greek coast through Thessoloniki, Alexandroupoli, and then on to Istanbul. In the coming days I will put together a detailed plan (with gpx) of my route in Greece. Any tips and gpx paths would be very welcome!! :-)
Thanks very much for your help!!
please don't try this trip since you don't know anything of geography, history and local civilization culture.
take the plane instead, it will be much safer.
friendly talking, it might be danger for you because the countries you are going to pass through may not forgive your social mistakes.
Trips like this are pretty usual and not that dangerous if you plan ahead.
I recently met a guy who traveled from Malaysia to Spain, without a map in some places and he didn't have a problem.
Arctic-cycler I can't help you but there will be plenty of responses from very experienced bike tourists.
Hi Teo.
Thanks for your advice. I am learning and reading up about local culture, history and customs. I will ensure that I follow customs and am friendly and courteous. I think most people are good people, and I am really passionate about going on this trip.
I will be careful. Don't worry! :-)
Hi Teo.
Ευχαριστώ για τις συμβουλές σας. Είμαι μάθηση και την ανάγνωση επάνω για τον τοπικό πολιτισμό, την ιστορία και τα έθιμα. Θα διασφαλίσω ότι θα ακολουθήσει τα έθιμα και είμαι φιλική και ευγενική. Νομίζω ότι οι περισσότεροι άνθρωποι είναι καλοί άνθρωποι, και είμαι πραγματικά παθιασμένοι για τη μετάβαση σε αυτό το ταξίδι.
Θα πρέπει να είστε προσεκτικοί. Μην ανησυχείτε! :-)
Thanks, Jellosky. I hope with planning I can find some nice routes and lovely places. I will definitely meet lots of interesting people on the way, and have the odd adventure or two. Last summer I cycled from Holland to the North Cape in Norway (6315km). This trip is a bit more adventurous. :-)
Ευχαριστώ, Jellosky. Ελπίζω με τον προγραμματισμό που μπορώ να βρω κάποιες ωραίες διαδρομές και όμορφα μέρη. Θα συναντηθώ σίγουρα πολλά ενδιαφέροντα άτομα στο δρόμο, και να έχουν την περίεργη περιπέτεια ή δύο. Το περασμένο καλοκαίρι εναλλάσσονται από την Ολλανδία προς το Βόρειο Ακρωτήριο της Νορβηγίας (6.315 χιλιόμετρα). Αυτό το ταξίδι είναι λίγο πιο τολμηροί. :-)
Hello Matthiew!
I would imagine that the offensive approach of Teo49080 is caused by your "I will be entering Greece from Macedonia" sentence!
Contrary to what Americans believe, the term "Macedonia" refers to a geographical territory of Greek origin,coulture and history! Part of what Macedonia was in the classic era, is still part of Norhtern Greece while other parts now belong to Bulgaria and F.Y.R.o.M.(acronym for former Yougoslav republic of Macedonia), commonly referred as "Skopja" by the Greeks. Needless to say that the current occupants of the land(Slavian origin, settled in about the 10th. century A.D.), have nothing in common with the anciend Macedonians,who were simply Greeks.
This is not meant as a history lesson, nor I feel offended in any way. Just thought it might be usefull to know what 's what!
I 'm pretty sure other folkes will follow with advise on your cycling route of Northern Greece, of which I know absolutely nothing!
You are right.
I 've decided not to be absent to things that happens around us because of ignorance or "on purpose".
Also when I am referring to dangers I am not speaking for greece but other countries where they taking their culture and religion very seriously.
Any way Matthiew you are a big boy you can do anything you want.
Hello Strouf.
Oops. I realise now that things that were meant as quite harmless and innocent can have a different meaning in a local context. Of course, I didn't mean offence, and I know that neither you nor Teo49080 took any. Writing the post as I did inadvertently takes on a different meaning which shows my ignorance.
Indeed, a lot of what is happening in countries that I will be cycling through (middle east, central Asia etc) has a western, simple, easy to understand, often quite inaccurate and even insulting explanation. A true explanation would be more complex and nuanced.
Thanks for explaining things. I really was not aware of my mistake!
Dear Teo,
I now understand better and will be more careful in planning and carrying out my bike trip. This was an issue I really hadn't seen, and it is good that I am made aware of the sensitivities so I can be more careful.
Hello again!
Like I said, no offence taken. It is only natural for the average 21century person not to be aware of delicate matters like this. And our part as Greek citizens who care about "our own" is to inform people instead of beiing angry!
I am pretty sure that fellow Teo49080 knows nothing about the right (or not) cause of rivalty between Erythraea and Ethiopia,to set an example. I wouldn't know either. And I would pretty much like people involved to explain to me, rather than take on me.
Let's don't get caught on this. I can see a good opportunity for you to visit Vergina town and its interesting museum. Not far from your planned route, you will be able to see the tomb and armour/jewelery of Philip II, father of Alexander the Great. Take a look here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vergina
Just 3 advises from me:
1. The more east you ride, the more careless and dangerous car and truck drivers you 'll have to deal. Don't ever forget this.
2. When you enter Thesaloniki or Athens, don't let your bike out of your sight.
3. Dont disagree with locals on politics. When you enter Macedonia (FYROM) they 'll say that they are the brave sons of great Alexander and there's the place where he lived. You 'll have to agree and not laugh. When you enter Northern Greece, in the greek state of Macedonia, they will say to you that there's only one Macedonia and there is the place where Great Alexander once lived. You 'll have to agree again and not laugh (again). Who knows, maybe they 'll tell you the same in Turkey by the time you visit Instabul. You 'll have to agree again (and again not laugh). You can laugh with all these by the time you 'll be in Australia looking at all the great pics you 'll shoot on your way.
PS: I got a friend who visited Iran. Despite with what we hear, he said to me that it was the safer place for tourists he had ever been to. That means do not believe what you 'll hear but what you 'll see. Read and plan as much as you can, be well prepared for everything and enjoy your epic ride!
keeps us informed of the route in Greece, may somehow be able to help (perhaps a house or some help if needed
Hi Scrabler,
Thanks for the sound bits of advice. I am very protective of my bike. I will not leave it out of my site in Thessaloniki, and be very careful generally. I also have one of the heaviest, strongest locks I have seen.. :-)
Agreeing with locals on politics is always a good idea. Especially since I know much less on the topic than they do. Listening can only make me wiser.. :-)
All the best from Eindhoven!
Thanks, Scarpedico. I'll do that!! You'll hear more from me!![](/sites/default/files/smileys/yes.gif)
P.S. I like your motto: Bike, Eat, Sleep, Repeat!
Cycling is not part of greek culture. We are regarded as
aliens and treated as nonexistent. You will be a very
weird phenomenon on greek roads so be very carefull.
You might want to consider entering Greece through Italy
by boat and avoid Balcans (Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro,
Albania, FYROM) alltogether.
Other than that, give us a heads-up when you will be passing
through our country. We would be glad to provide you with
any help you might need.
Hi Matthew,
firstly, congrats for your daring. Cyclists do trips like that, so it will not be difficult to find info on the web. The most important for you is to find information specific to every country and place!
Take you time on this, and you will be rewarded! Get to know where you are going. Google Earth, cyclist forums, etc.
The Golden Rule: be prepared!
I have travelled by bike in Greece and Turkey. Your route through those countries seems OK and i do not suggest a change. Your only problem will be Istanbul - be prepared to carefully avoid the main road, instead find by-roads to avoid (very) heavy traffic.
Also, northern Turkey is perfect for cycling, and with perfect people. Of course, as everywhere, you must be careful in cities -- as a general rule, the biggest the city the less safe it is, and you should know that.
After having traveled on a long trip, you certainly can do it. And you can enjoy it very much. Take care!
Nature of Greece
. http://goo.gl/oi3MD .
Greece from above
. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhVMd8iXHMo .
Landscapes of Greece
. http://goo.gl/V8y4Q .
Bike routes
. http://el.wikiloc.com/diadromes/outdoor/greece .
Hi Eaglos. Thanks for the message and best wishes. I have already cycled the length of Italy, and am excited this time to visit the Balcans. From what I can see and read, it is very beautiful. I will be careful in Greece. I can imagine that cyclists do not have the same standing as in Holland. I am from Australia, and cyclists there are seen as a pest by motorists..
I will be writing a blog on my trip, and I will post links to the blog entries on this forum. I hope I can meet some of you when I am in Greece!!
All the best from Eindhoven!
Thanks for the best wishes!
The preparation is part of the fun, and that is what I am doing now. I have read that Istanbul is difficult to enter. Some people wrote a blog of entering Istanbul from the Bulgarian border. They found a peaceful route. I will do my best to find one from the Greek border. I don't want to end up on a freeway.. :-)
Hope to see you and others in this forum in Greece!!
Hi Matthew
When you visit Thessaloniki don't forget to try "greek pie with cream" for breakfast!
It is a traditional pie made only across Northern Greece!
I promise it's one of the most yammy and tasty pies you have ever tried!
Good luck with your trip!
Hey Aldro. What a beautiful country! I am contemplating an alternate route that I could do if I have extra time (which I expect to), which goes to southern Greece and Athens. I might take some of the bike routes. I like the look of ACROKORINTHOS.
Thanks for the tips!
Hi Zoslen,
Thanks for the tip.
What kind of pie is it? What is it made from?
Looking forward to trying it!! :-)
Bougatsa Bougatsa Bougatsa Bougatsa Bougatsa Bougatsa Bougatsa Bougatsa Bougatsa Bougatsa Bougatsa Bougatsa Bougatsa Bougatsa Bougatsa Bougatsa
Thank you for the comment arctic-cycler .Here you can see more about Peloponnese . http://www.mythicalpeloponnese.gr/en/homepage/ .
Hi. It looks beautiful!
Hope I have time to go there.. :-)
Greece is beautiful, as most of the countries you will visit. The scenery is beautiful, people are friendly and helpful. Hospitality is weel known around Greece, especially in villages and away from big cities.
Note that the roads are not flat, you will meet many uphills along your ride in Greece.
Akrokorinthos is great to visit by bicycle, a local cycling team there may give you a "tour_around_Korinth"
[see some photos of the Korinth team in this thread:
"Marevit" / Marinos, is the founder and leader of the team, a strong cyclist, he will give you a very warm welcome if you go there, I am sure about it]
Motorists in Greece do not "see" us. Some may be rude or dangerous. But if you take care and you are an experienced cyclist (and you are) you will not have many problems. Ofcource you will have to stay away from New_National_Roads in Greece.
I am sure you will find descriptions and blogs from other foreign cyclists that have travelled around Greece.
Best of luck....![](/sites/default/files/smileys/thumbs_up.gif)
You remind me of a group of 12 Australians who cycled in 1987-88 in 6 months from London to Sydney - not all the way though but 12,000km quite enough. By that time Australia celebrated it's Bicentennial. Had some great time through Greece with those crazy Aussies! Great days, great people.
Hey Petros. I will get an account on cyclist.gr.. I'm not able to see the link on that forum at the moment.
Yes. Greece is pretty hilly. I guess I will get have to get used to that.. I will need some training for central Asia. It is certainly different to Holland.. Here the biggest hills are the bridges crossing the canals. :-)
Thanks for your post! I am really looking forward to visiting your country!
Hi there.. Yes. Australian can be crazy! Its fun!! :-)
Still, everyone is crazy in their own way.. :-)
Thanks for your message!