Ποδηλατοπορεία στη Βοζνία Ερζεγοβίνη 20/8 - 4/9

1 καταχώριση / 0 νέα/ο

Dear all

  • The Center for Environment announced the "Cycling Against Waste" tour,
    to be held from August 20 to September 4, 2006, starting at Bihac and
    passing through Bosanska Krupa, Sanski Most, Banja Luka, Knezevo,
    Travnik, Visoko, Sarajevo, Konjic, Nevesinje, Gacko, and finishing in

  • This tour is a part of the "Waste is Not Rubbish" national waste
    management campaign. The main goal of the campaign is the raise the
    public awareness about the problems of existing waste management system
    and the manners in which the citizens can contribute to finding a
    solution to this greatest, according to many, environmental problem in
    the country.

  • The participants in the Tour will engage in joint activities with local
    NGO activists and volunteers, including distribution of promotional
    material, photographic exhibition, and when possible, broadcasts of
    radio jingles. Rest days will be given in Banja Luka and Sarajevo, with
    organized tours around the cities and planned meetings with local
    authorities and representatives of waste management companies.

  • The Tour is open for participation to all interested persons, under the
    pre-set terms and principles of participation. Every person that wishes
    to participate for longer than 24 hours, has to complete a registration
    form. Some 20 participants are expected.

  • The principles and organisation approaches were mainly taken from the
    Ekotopia Tour, which has been organized for 16 years in a row, and which
    methods of organization and implementation of activities has proved
    efficient and successful.

  • All enquiries should be sent to Miodrag Dakic, by mail at miodrag.dakic
    (at) czzs.org or by phone, at
    + 387 051 433 140.

  • http://see.oneworld.net/article/view/136803/1/

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