Φωτογραφίες με παιδιά ποδηλατοκούριερ πριν από 100 χρόνια, περίπου, στην Αμερική
Ο φωτογράφος Lewis Hine τράβηξε μερικές χιλιάδες φωτογραφίες οι οποίες συγκρότησαν τη συλλογή της «Εθνικής Επιτροπής Παιδικής Εργασίας» και χρησιμοποιήθηκαν για να τεκμηριώσουν τις άθλιες συνθήκες εργασίας των παιδιών στην Αμερική. Οι φωτογραφίες βοήθησαν στην επιχειρηματολογία ότι οι νόμοι πρέπει να προστατεύσουν τα παιδιά.
Οι κάτωθι φωτογραφίες προέρχονται από συλλογή της Βιβλιοθήκης του Κονγκρέσου (Library of Congress, the US national library, in Washington DC).
• A. D. T. Messengers, Indianapolis. August, 1908. Location: Indianapolis, Indiana.
• Postal Telegraph messenger. November, 1910. Location: Birmingham, Alabama.
• Leo Day, Postal Telegraph Messenger, 12 years old, and a very knowing lad. March, 1911. Location: Tampa, Florida.
• Group of Western Union Messengers in Norfolk, Va. See also photo 2232, 2258, and report on Va. messengers. June, 1911. Location: Norfolk, Virginia.
• Danville Messengers. The smallest boy, Western Union No. 5 is only ten years old, and is working as extra boy. He said he was going to be laid off as the manager told him he was too young, but an older messenger told me the reason was that the other messengers were having him put off because he cuts into their earnings. See Hine report on Va. messengers for data about the tallest boy. June, 1911. Location: Danville, Virginia.
• Messenger boy working for Mackay Telegraph Company. Said fifteen years old. Exposed to Red Light dangers. September, 1913. Location: Waco, Texas.
• Curtin Hines. Western Union messenger #36. Fourteen years old. Goes to school. Works from four to eight P.M. Been with W[estern] U[nion] for six months, one month delivering for a drug store. "I learned a lot about the 'Reservation' while I was at the drug store and I go there some times now." October, 1913. Location: Houston, Texas.
• Percy Neville, eleven year old messenger boy. Messenger boy #6 for Mackay Telegraph Company. He has been messenger for different companies for four years. November, 1913. Location: Shreveport, Louisiana.
• Isaac Boyett, "I'm de whole show." The twelve year old proprietor, manager and messenger of the Club Messenger Service, 402 Austin Street, Waco. The photo shows him in the heart of the Red Light district where he was delivering messages as he does several times a day. Said he knows the houses and some of the inmates. Has been doing this for one year, working until 9:30 P.M. Saturdays. Not so late on other nights. Makes from six to ten dollars a week. November, 1913. Location: Waco, Texas.
• Ben Collins, 515 N. Walnut St. Been working steady for Mackay Telegraph Co. for 1 month. 13 years old. Says he makes $5 a week. March, 1917. Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Συναφείς δημοσιεύσεις
Εταιρείες μεταφορών με ποδήλατο - Ποδηλατοκούριερ - Bike messengers